Are you having trouble to choose between the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C as some would think as only the outlook looks different and others are just the sam... Read More...
Are you unhappy with only having free 7GB existing Skydrive storage and could barely withstand your need of huge storage capacity? Hold on guys, if you're p... Read More...
Are you intending to get a HTC One for this Christmas but couldn't think of anyone who would probably give this Smartphone of the year 2013 as a gift?Don't worr... Read More...
According to Sammobile, around Q1 of 2014, four new tablets from Samsung to be launched, all with different sizes as they look to widen their tablet variants to... Read More...
Looks like Samsung are preparing a 10.5'' tablet which this time out features a AMOLED screen rather than a LCD based screen. The only Samsung tablet that featu... Read More...
Some of us are still stuck with 720p resolution or even 1080p resolution, and some applications are still not exactly optimized for Full HD 1080p yet. Today, in... Read More...