LINE Corporation has announced the upcoming addition of themes to “LINE Creators Market,” enabling creators to design and sell their own LINE themes, scheduled for late April, 2016.
Prior to the global service launch, the official creation & review guidelines for creators’ themes have been published on the LINE Creators Market site. (LINE Creators Market official site: https://creator.line.me )
“LINE Creators Market has enabled many artists globally, including Malaysia, to share their work with many others. The expansion into allowing creators’ to create their own themes is an extension that enables them to exercise their creativity,” said Patricia Yeoh, Public Relations Manager of LINE Malaysia. “LINE is thrilled to provide this platform that will not only benefit the creators, but enhance the users’ experience to a whole new level as well, especially for Malaysians.”
With creators’ themes, anybody who has a LINE account, be it individual or enterprise, can create LINE themes which, after passing the review process, can be sold to LINE users all over the world through the LINE app’s theme shop and LINE STORE (https://store.line.me/). Theme prices can be set by the creator at 150 LINE Coins (approximately MYR12.24), 200 LINE Coins (approximately MYR16.33), or 250 LINE Coins (approximately MYR20.42). After handling fees for App Store and Google Play (30%) are deducted, 50% of the remaining amount (35% of total sales) will be paid to the creator.
Creators themes can be based on photos as well as illustrations. Since various graphic elements, such as backgrounds, icons, and menu buttons, are made as separate parts and combined into a set, creators have a lot of freedom in turning their ideas into themes. Those users who have already created stickers will be able to leverage their own characters into themes, thereby creating more in-depth worlds for their characters, taking advantage of the fact that unlike individual stickers, an interface theme is continuously on display once applied. Artists and entertainers will be able to feature characters or caricatures in their promotional and merchandising activities.
LINE released the official creation and review guidelines for creators’ themes on its LINE Creators Market official site. Theme submissions for review are expected to commence on April 15, 2016, and the sale of approved themes are expected to start in late April.
Through LINE Creators Market, LINE aims at developing a creator-activity based ecosystem. LINE will continue to move forward with its global platform as an important part of the world’s smartphone based communication infrastructure.
LINE Creators Market is a platform that enables users to sell LINE stickers they have created themselves. The sale of approved creators’ stickers began in May 2014. Participants hail from all over the world and as of today, the number of registered creators has grown to 520,000 users, who have created over 230,000 sticker sets. There are even numerous examples of characters originating from these stickers being merchandised or featured in tie-ins with various businesses, expanding their scope far beyond their original sticker usage.