Mobile Phones & Tablets

Huawei P9, Huawei P9 Max and Huawei P9 Lite specs and pricing finally leaked

By Teenaesh Vijee

March 17, 2016

Oppomart have listed three of the latest yet mostly didn’t even realize its existance, the Huawei P9 lineups. This includes the P9, P9 Max and P9 Lite which follows the same family tree of different variants made available like the P8 series. All of the specifications as well as prices have been revealed. The following are the specs and the prices of each variants:-

Huawei P9

Huawei P9 Max

Huawei P9 Lite 

The prices could differ once it reaches Malaysia, however you should know roughly the differences between these three upcoming smartphones from Huawei. Which one will be your choice? The Huawei Mate 8 or the upcoming P9 series?