With addition to the LG G Pad 8.3 Google Play Edition(GE) that i talked about in LG G Pad 8.3 Google Play Edition announced, Google announced Sony Xperia Z Ultra GE edition and Nexus 7 which this time comes in white color. The LG G Pad 8.3 GE comes with 1920×1200 of resolution with built in Snapdragon 600 Quad Core processor build in. It comes with 16GB of storage capacity , with a microSD slot which allows expanding your storage capability up to 64GB. It’s packed with 5MP rear camera and 1.3MP front shooter, not to forget that it has premium built quality as well which makes the $349 price tag to be reasonable.
When it comes to Xperia Z Ultra GE, under the hood it has the same specifications of the native edition. Obviously the most noticeable change is the Stock Vanilla UI from Google which has very fluid transitions with almost no lags to be found anywhere whereby, some would still prefer the native edition as it has skinned on with all the attractive features such as Bravia Engine, Walkman, the Sony’s camera app and much more would be missing in the GE with replacement of Google’s stock apps. The Xperia Z Ultra GE is priced at $649, which is cheaper than the native edition . Which one would you prefer? Most of the advanced users who roots their device and installs custom roms wouldn’t even have to bother as they could actually port GE’s firmware right into their device.
To reflect the Christmas season, I personally think this is the theme that Google followed which made them release a white edition of Nexus 7, which looks really good if you would prefer the black front and white back combination. This Nexus only comes with WiFi , so if you’re looking for a tablet this Christmas with data capabilities, you might have to take this off your list.